
After getting my second read for I am not a story, got me thinking about the text more. The text kinda of jumps around, but it shows the different point of views of different philosophers and psychologist. I did notice a quote that I didn’t notice in my first read, it says ” we invent ourselves…. but we really are the characters we invent”. I thing it means that we choose who we want to be, we choose the narrative that we want to tell. Also not all narrative that are told are true. As well the text mentioned that most narratives are discounted, but we as humans we tend to add to our narrative which what most people might do when they telling a story. It also jumped to how its from thoughts to narrative instead of emotions to narrative. I really thing that emotions and thoughts all play a big role in telling a narrative, I as a person I believe that everything you do emotions and thoughts have to do with it. I also believe that you tell narrative with out knowing, because it part of how you express yourself and identity. there is another point that really stood out to me, its were Schechtman explained how you see the world depending on how the narrative it told. i agree with because thats I how I see the world and I believe everyone sees the world depending on the narrative they have been told.

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