
Metaphors are so powerful, they tend to express things using comparison. When I watched Geary video it was really expressive and true. It made realize more about how I’m using Metaphors daily but not even noticing. Which also made me think about leaning them, because Geary mantioned that using metaphors to talk to people is convincing. It gave me more interest to learn about metaphors and how I can use them. I did look up metaphors and I tried to analyze the meaning of them. They’re actually amusing to read.

After watching Geary’s video, I read the transcript. I actually liked reading the transcript because in a way it forced me to look up words that he mentioned in the video that I didn’t know. When I read the transcript Geary mentioned businesses and marketing. Then I read it over again then I noticed that Geary is trying to say that metaphors are even used in businesses. Using metaphors to convince someone that wants to buy a house is more effective. For example; lets say you told the buyer the prices of the houses are climbing which means there’re getting higher. but using the word climbing makes it more accurate.

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